Ownership Culture Manifesto

At Wisdom Partners, our mission is to help high impact leaders make their dent in the world. We do this through community, experienced coaches, paradigm shifting experiences, training and tools. This transformation is built on the principles of Ownership Culture –  the leadership approach behind today's most successful companies. This is our manifesto.

Ownership Culture isn't just a buzzword; it's a game-changer. It's the rocket fuel that high-growth organizations need to break through their limits. It's a mindset and a system that empowers individuals to act boldly, aligning their efforts with a common mission. With Ownership Culture, organizations break through their own limits, leaders create unstoppable A+ teams, and firefighting becomes a thing of the past. The result? A dynamic, ever-evolving organization that leaves a legacy beyond the founders' wildest dreams.

So what is Ownership Culture?

It’s not about legal ownership – it’s about unleashing the full potential of every individual. In this environment, people take charge of their lives and their work. And guess what? Their work gets better, and their lives get richer. When the whole organization gets on board, the impact is off the charts – an explosion of productivity and engagement.

Ownership Culture has four pillars: 

  1. Alignment: Everyone in the organization locks into the mission through regular check-ins.

  2. Accountability: No more guesswork; everyone knows their responsibilities and how success is measured.

  3. Autonomy: Free rein to make crucial decisions within your sphere of influence.

  4. Authenticity: Leaders put their faith in their teams, and their teams know leaders are owning their problems and driving the organization forward.

With these four pillars set upon a strong foundation of trustworthy leadership, you've got an organization in a constant state of evolution. We all get better, get more done, and have a blast doing it.

What is the background of Ownership Culture?

Wisdom Partners didn't invent it, but we're putting it on the map. Ownership Culture is the management style of the future, tailor-made for today's fast-paced world. Some early adopters include the likes of Toyota, Apple, and the U.S. Navy Seals. Plus, groups like the National Center for Employee Ownership develop an ownership culture and share the legal ownership of their companies.  (We're preparing a fuller backstory to share in a few weeks, so stay tuned.) 

A diverse range of consulting groups is helping companies craft their versions of Ownership Culture. Think: EOS, The Great Game of Business, Scaleable OS, 8 Figure Agency, Echelon Front, Mochary Method, System and Soul, and Applied Wisdom for the Nonprofit Sector. Ownership Culture is also backed by solid research into subjects like locus of control, employee engagement, self-efficacy, personal agency, leadership effectiveness, self-actualization, adult development, and leadership theories (including adaptive, authentic, and servant leadership). 

Grand Promises

Buckle up for some bold predictions. Ownership Culture is a game changer for your organization and for the world at large.

  1. Engagement and Well-being: Ownership Culture increases employee engagement, holistic health, and financial freedom.This is a better way to do business. It's a win-win for everyone involved, and we intend to back it up with solid evidence.

  2. Leadership Theory of the Century: Ownership Culture is destined to be the most studied and followed leadership theory of the 21st century. In parallel with the launch of Wisdom Partners, we are recruiting scholars to join the research efforts.

  3. Healing Capitalism: It's not just about the money, but money talks. Ownership Culture has the potential to transform capitalism for the better. By showing business leaders that it's in their self-interest to empower others, we're sparking a revolution.

Ready to Level Up with Ownership Culture?

  • Join a Forum: Never climb alone. Join one of our cohorts to learn from experienced coaches and peers on the same journey. Apply here.  

  • Get a Free Assessment: Are you curious to learn if Ownership Culture could help your organization move into your frontiers? We’ll join you to look under the hood of your organization and help you identify some key steps for growth. Request your assessment.

  • Follow us on LinkedIn: We’ll be posting new articles like this every week. Don’t miss next week’s article on how Ike Shehadeh (of Ike’s Love and Sandwiches) is turning killer sandwiches into love, appreciation, and respect. 

Imagine an Ownership Culture World

Envision a world where every great idea gets its shot, where everyone knows how they contribute to a meaningful mission, and where people own their destinies. Now, let's make it happen!


Ike’s Love and Ownership